
The Key of Intentionality

The Key of Intentionality

Isn’t it interesting that when you receive a word from the Lord it seems that everything around you conspires to pull your attention from what was said? Adversity, difficulties, crisis or even just the trudge of the grind of everyday life seem to work in concert to make us lose track of what God has spoken for this season. What this distraction produces is a lack of intentionality for pursuing the Word of the Lord spoken over our lives. This must not happen. There is too much that God wants to do through your life to allow this to rob you of the potential that God has spoken. 

That is why the key of intentionality is so important. 

Don't Hit That Rock

Don't Hit That Rock

“Then Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod; and water came forth abundantly, and the congregation and their beasts drank.” Numbers 20 11 NASB

It finally happened. Moses, being pushed to the very edge of his patience by the infuriating behavior of those he was leading, struck the rock and caused water to flow from its hard exterior.

God Wants to Partner with You

God Wants to Partner with You

During this holiday season we are reminded of the arrival of the ultimate gift any of us will ever receive. When Jesus paid the ultimate price for our redemption and freedom, it was a present with incomparable value.. 

On top of being able to go to Heaven, much of the New Testament teaches us about things that we now have access to; the gift of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, total freedom, supernatural joy and strength, the list goes on and on. But it doesn’t stop there. Along with gifts, we have tremendous authority. To me this new life is kind of like the story of Rip Van Winkle. In the story, Rip decided to take a nap in the forest but he ended up sleeping for like 50 years. When he finally woke up the world as he knew it had completely changed. 

What it means to Walk in Humility

What it means to Walk in Humility

The greatest example of humility is when we are falsely criticized by others and dismiss the need to vindicate ourselves. Although we are never to associate humility with weakness, we must come to the conclusion that genuine humility possesses real conviction. When we are truly humble we know how to steward our lives and our resources responsibly. This gives evidence that we can be trusted with the treasures of the Kingdom of God. We can disciple and influence Kings like the prophet Daniel. We become like our Lord Jesus who is the most approachable person the world has ever seen.

Love Isn't Always Blind

Love Isn't Always Blind

Love isn’t always blind it just imagines what could be there. For being in love with the Lord is the best way to live in the Kingdom of God. Love doesn’t seem to notice what others notice, it seems to ignore what others can’t ignore. What is never passed over socially, isn’t overlooked by the one who loves. Not to say that love overlooks justice, for love is the greatest act of justice. Love opens the eyes to intimacy and away from selfishness. Our vision becomes blurred when love is non existent, and love returns the heart back into focus. Love penetrates the defenses of rejection and the walls of criticism that have been built. When love becomes an acquisition instead of a lifestyle, it becomes perverted. So we pray with the words of this verse in Song of Solomon 1:4.

Largeness of Heart

Largeness of Heart

Have we ever entertained the possibility of our hearts growing bigger? Receiving the capacity to take in what the Holy Spirit would lavish upon us if we just asked. This largeness of heart is what frees us from the monotony of everyday life. While disappointment shrinks the heart and hinders it from dreaming. A large heart is one that gives no place inside its core being for disappointment to live. This doesn’t mean that we don’t experience disappointment, it just means that because of the vastness of the heart we have more room to maneuver past any regrets. The larger our hearts are the more we can break the vicious cycle of addictions that plague our society and ourselves.