John Harke

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It's Time to Partner with Your Prophetic Words

This post is for you if you have experienced any of the following: 

  • You have received promises from God that have yet to be fulfilled

  • You keep receiving prophetic words but have yet to see them come to pass 

  • You feel stuck and unsure if you are missing something when it comes to your destiny and purpose 


If any of the above sounds familiar, keep reading because this may be a key to help you. 


We see throughout the Bible where God has chosen to do nothing on earth unless He partners with man to help Him bring it forth. All the way back from Adam till the present day, God is constantly calling men and women to partner with Him in His purposes and plans.

You are God’s delegated authority here on Earth to do mighty things. 


If you are a Christian and love God, you have the same opportunity to be able to partner with God today as all of the mighty heroes throughout scripture. What an amazing honor and privilege! What some people forget is that not only does God want to work through you to do the big things but He also wants to do the same when it comes to the personal destiny and call on your life. 

God wants to partner with you for your prophetic destiny! This is where many people fall prey to a common pitfall when it comes to seeing their prophetic words come to pass. They think it’s all just going to happen without any participation on their part. They sit looking out the windows of their lives looking for the prophetic destiny delivery truck to roll up to their door and unload it into their waiting arms. It’s a beautiful, wonderful, picture but it runs contrary to how we see people operating when they receive a word from God in the Bible. In fact, more destinies have been lost from this approach to God’s voice and promises than almost any other tactic of the enemy. 

An example is Moses when He heard God’s voice. He had to leave what he knew to confront Pharaoh and bring deliverance to the Israelites. Every time God came to Him, there were instructions that he needed to follow and carry out in order to partner with God for their deliverance. Now imagine if Moses didn’t respond but instead stayed home. If he heard that God wanted to bring deliverance to the nation of Israel but did nothing to partner with God on it? 

In this season, God is calling His children that hear His voice to shake off this lie and step into a position where instead of asking the question “When will my prophetic word come to pass?” Will change it to a much better question of “How can I partner with God’s prophetic word over my life?” The first question positions you as simply an observer and “taker”. The second question positions you into a place of action and also inviting God to speak to you further and in greater detail about how YOU can move forward in your destiny.


The takeaway from this post is the following:

  1. You are God’s delegated authority on Earth!

  2. God wants to partner with YOU 

  3. Ask God “How can I respond and partner with your Word?"

  4. Be Prepared to Listen and Be Obedient to What You Hear No Matter How Small or Seemingly Insignificant/ 



John Harke Team